Open His Eyes So He May See
(2Ki. 6:14~17)

We are living as though we are the masters of all creatures in the world. However, we are weak enough to be terrified by the invisible viruses. We should open our spiritual eyes to see the Lord, the Creator and master of the world

1. The Aramean army surrounding the city
Elisha was a prophet of the Northern Kingdom of Israel 2,900 years ago who was active during the reign of Joram. The Aramean soldiers attacked the Northern Kingdom of Israel. At that time, Elisha let the King know the attack so that he would prepare for the war. The king of Aram knew this situation and decided to capture the prophet, leading his army to Dothan at night and surrounded the city. Looking at countless horses and chariots, the servant of Elisha was terrified by fear. Like the enemies at night, troubles and trials come to happen in our life unexpectedly. However, faithful people should look at Jesus, the key to problems, rather than problems.

2. The answer of Elisha, the man of God
The prophet told the servant not to be afraid as those who were with them were more than those who were with the enemies. God whom we serve is greater than any problem in the world. God is with us to protect us from various adversities. When we look at a lot of problems caused by covid-19 disease, we will surely have worries and anxiety. However, God will make us strong and wise enough to overcome this difficult moment. (Isa. 43:1-2) Let us not be afraid and terrified. Let us put our trust in God so that we can keep marching bravely.

3. God who helps us
And Elisha prayed for the servant to open his eyes so he could see. Then, the servant looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha. The prophet prayed to the LORD to strike enemies with blindness. Elisha sent the enemies to Aram and the Aramean soldiers no longer attacked the kingdom of Northern Israel. To experience the miracle of God, we should open our eyes spiritually. Eventually, fears and anxiety will disappear, and we can see the miracles of God working for us. (Ps. 23:4) When we are prepared spiritually before God, the problems are solved with trials turning into blessings in our life.