Do You Love Me?
(Jn. 21:15~17)

Living a life, we face small and big failures, rejections, and losses, which make us fall down and live in despair and depressions. However, Jesus comes to us in the place where we fall down, heals our scars with abundant love and give us strength so that we can rise up again.

1. Peter, the leading disciple, who betrayed Jesus
When Jesus was captured, Peter followed at a distance. A servant girl came to Peter and said Peter was with Jesus. Peter in panic denied again and over again. At that time, the rooster crowed the second time. (Mk. 14:69-71) Then Peter remembered the word Jesus had spoken to him and he felt guilty with crying bitterly. (Mk. 14:72) Jesus put a lot of trust in but he denied Jesus when he confronted difficult moments. We should look back on us whether we have denied Jesus. We should repent our sins of turning away from Jesus whenever we are in panic.

2. Jesus’ forgiveness and Peter’s recovery
Peter was so frustrated as he denied Jesus. He met resurrected Jesus but he put down the life with Jesus and came back to Galilee to live as a fisherman. Jesus came to Peter. This amazing Savior simply invited Peter and other disciples to the breakfast. Jesus forgave the disciple who denied Him as Jesus is the love. Confess your sins humbly before Jesus. Then, Jesus forgives you, healing your wounds and restoring your broken heart.

3. Jesus who gives him the mission
After the meal, Jesus asked Peter if he loved Jesus. Jesus asked this three times. After Jesus heard Peter saying yes, Jesus asked Peter to feed his sheep. (Jn. 21:16-17) Jesus wants us to love Jesus more than anything else in the world. Jesus allows those who love Jesus to have a special mission. Taking the mission of Jesus requires us to love Jesus deeply. We need to encounter Jesus personally to be forgiven and to be strengthened again by the love of Jesus. Therefore, we should be filled with the love of Jesus so that we will be the witness of the Gospel by teaching and spreading the Word of God while nurturing many disciples of Jesus.