Absolute Positivity, Absolute Thanksgiving
(1Th. 5:16~18)

To live our one and only life meaningfully, we should have positive mind at all times. Do we grumble and complain a lot even after believing in Jesus without giving thanks to God in any situations? We need to look back on our days in the season of harvest.

1. The faith of absolute positivity
When we are positive in the Lord, our mind will be filled with joy of life. On the contrary, negative attitudes take away our peace and joy, leading us to the life full of anxiety, worries, grumbles, complaints, hatred and anger. However, Paul asked the Philippian church members to be joyful in his letter even when he was in the prison. The prison was very cold with bad smell. Even he was in the prison, he kept his heart strong and asked the church members to be joyful all the time in Jesus. (Phil. 4:4) Just as Paul encouraged us to do, we should be filled with the faith of absolute positivity to live our life joyfully and peacefully.

2. The prayer of absolute positivity
The secret of keeping joy constant is related to the prayers and fullness of the Holy Spirit. We cannot maintain joy and peace in our hearts without prayers. Therefore, we cannot live a victorious life. The reason that many problems are coming to us is because we don’t pray before God. Jesus said that even the unrighteous judge listened to the widow who came to the judge every day. Therefore, Jesus said that God who has much greater love than the judge surely listens to our prayers. (Lk. 18:6-8) Let us be armed with the absolute positive faith so that we cry out before God for prayers. God will see our faith and listen to our earnest and passionate prayers.

3. Thanksgiving of absolute positivity
When we pray hard before God, we bear fruits of gratitude. When we give thanks to God, our minds turn into being positive. The amazing grace, miracles and blessing of God come to our life. Giving thanks to God glorifies God and shows our righteous behaviors before God. When we worship God with giving thanks, God will accept our service and allow us to have the grace of salvation. (Ps. 50:23) In the time of harvesting, we should become the man of giving thanks to God. Let us give thanks to God in all situations so that the peace of God will overflows into our life.