Our Eyes Are upon You Alone
(2Ch. 20:12~13, 15)

While living, we face the most difficult problems that we cannot solve. We should not look for the ways in the world. Rather, we should seek for the help of God as our God becomes the master of the universe and the key to the problems of our life.

1. Faith that cries out in suffering
The vast combined armies of Moab and Ammon came against Israel in battle. The king, whose name was Jehoshaphat, was first afraid of the countless enemies that outnumbered his own soldiers. However, he remembered the prayer of Solomon, which says if calamity comes upon us, whether the sword of judgment, or plague or famine, we will stand in your presence and will cry out to you in our distress, and you will hear us and save us. (2 Chr. 20:9) Jehoshaphat called upon the nation to join together for a prayer meeting accompanied by fasting. In times of crisis, we need to remember the promise of God. Then, God will listen to our prayers and answer us.

2. The war that belongs to God
All people of Judah prayed in earnest to seek for the help of God. At that time, the Spirit of the Lord comes upon Jahaziel the son of Zechariah who says, “Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army, for the battle is not yours, but God's.” (2 Chr. 20:15). No matter how hard the challenges and problems may be, God will work for us when we put our trust in God completely. In the time of distress, let us not listen to the negative words of the world. Let us listen to the voice of God which gives us real hope. Let us depend on God, who is with us all the time.

3. Thanksgiving an praise given to God
After hearing the answer of God through the prophet, the king put down all his anxiety and worries and gave thanks to God. All the people also bent their knees to give thanks and many praises to God. Then, the king formed the army of praise ahead of the rest of the soldiers. When the army of praise sang and praised for the Lord at first to lead the rest of the soldiers, God made the enemies confused and fight against each other. They were defeated. Giving thanks and praises bring about miracle and victory. Let us give thanks to God and enjoy the grace, blessing, and the peace of God.