Be a Thankful Person
(Col. 3:15~17)

In 1620, 102 pilgrims left toward America to seek for the freedom of religion. It was not easy for them to settle in the new land. The first winter was very cold and they were starved. 44 people out of 102 people were dead because of extreme weather and starvation. But they didn’t grumble nor being frustrated. 1 year later, they were able to reap a small amount of crops and grains. They worshipped God to give thanks to God. It was the origin of the Thanksgiving Day. We should give thanks when we are in troubles. To do this, our mind should be filled with the peace of God.

1. Be filled with the peace of Christ
When we lose the peace of mind because of worries, anxiety, and hatred, we cannot live of life of gratitude. The pleasure coming from money, fame, power, and relationships is not permanent but disappears quickly. We should seek for the eternal peace coming from God. (Jn. 14:27) Once we are filled with the peace of Christ, we can keep our minds and thoughts whatever happens. And as a result we can be united in the Christian communities as the tensions and conflicts in the communities disappear.

2. Be a Thankful Person
Apostle Paul asked the Christians in Colossians to give thanks to God in all time. As mature Christians, we should give thanks to God. God is pleased with the people of giving thanks to God. Our thanksgiving glorifies God and we will be more blessed through our gratitude. (Ps. 50:23) However, we cannot give thanks to God in all times as we need to have the power of Jesus Christ who broke the chains of sins and curses in order for us to give thanks to God completely. Let us come before God with giving thanks and praises despite of dark nights of troubles and sadness.

3. Abide in the Word
When we listen to the words of the world, we are depressed. On the other hand, when we listen to the voice of Jesus, we can have hope and give thanks with joy even we are in troubles. When we dwell in the word of Christ, God will listen to us (Jn. 15:7) and resolve our problems, healing our wounds. (Jn. 15:10) Therefore, we will be filled with countless joy and happiness. (Jn. 15:11) Be joyful in the Lord. Give thanks and praises to God so that we can live in the joy and peace in the Lord.