The Woman Who Touched the Cloak of the Lord
(Mk. 5:25~29)

The death and resurrection of Jesus is the core of Christianity. By depending on Jesus who overcame the death, we will experience the amazing miracle every day.

1. The woman in absolute despair
There was a woman who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years. She was often bleeding and suffering from anemia. According to the laws in the Old Testament, bleeding was unlawful. She was rebuked and criticized by people. (Lev. 15:22) She had suffered a great deal under the care of many doctors and had spent all she had, yet instead of getting better she grew worse. Likewise, we face difficult moment that she had. When we are in distress, we should not be frustrated and look at Jesus with strong faith. Even the dark of despair is deepened, the hopeful morning will surely come when we rise up with faith with holding Jesus strongly.

2. The woman who stretched her hand out by faith
The woman suffering from constant bleeding heard the news of Jesus, who can heal the diseases. This news became the light of hope. She had a dream of being healed. According to the Jewish law, the unclean person could die by stoning if they didn’t notice their condition in advance. Taking the risk of being stoned, she reached Jesus and touched the hem of the cloak of Jesus. The disease soon disappeared. Faith brings about miracle. (Heb. 11:1-2) Reaching out your faithful hands to hold the cloak of Jesus, you will experience of miracle of Jesus in your life.

3. Jesus who granted grace
Jesus knew that the woman touched his cloak. He turned around and asked who touched him. Then the woman came before Jesus and said about everything that has happened to her. Jesus said to her, "Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering." (Mk. 5:34) Faith brings about amazing miracles. If there are people suffering from the physical diseases, emotional diseases, environmental diseases, and family problems, come to Jesus and pray with holding the message of Jesus. Reach out your faithful hands and the grace of God will make your diseases go away at the moment your pray hard.