Behold, I Am Coming Soon
(Rev. 22:10~14)

We do not know when Jesus comes. However, just as all the prophecies of the Bible has been achieved, the prophecy of Jesus’ second coming will surely come true. Therefore, we should be awake and live not to feel shameful in front of God.

1. The time of the Lord
The angel tells John not to seal up the words of the prophecy of this book, because the time is near. That means we should open our Bible, read the words, listen to the words, and keep the words of God. (Rev. 1:3) We should live in the center of the Word of God. Jesus says that the false prophets will allure the Christians. Till now, many heretic groups have emerged and led people to the wrong faith. We should be awake not to be allured by the evil spirit. Be awake with the Word of God and prayer through the fullness of the Holy Spirit. We are living in the hard times caused by COVID-19. However, we should come to God regardless of times and places. We should receive the grace of God.

2. The reward that the Lord will give
Jesus will give rewards or punishments according to our behaviors. Those who live without God and live with sins and injustice will be thrown to the hell. On the contrary, those who live with the Words of God and obey God will be rewarded a lot. Expecting the prizes of God, we should practice love for others and do our earnest efforts in doing what we must do. Those who are recognized by God will receive the greatest reward of becoming princes who will reign for ever and ever. Be the man whom Jesus will praise and give rewards a lot when He comes again.

3. To wash one’s robes
The angel says blessed are those who wash their robes. The word, “robes” means our behaviors. We should look back on our actions and repent our sins and faults and wash ourselves with the Words of God. We should stand before God purely. Jesus shed his blood to forgive our sins. By the name of Jesus and depending on Jesus, anyone can be forgiven with the power of the precious blood of Jesus. We should be purified by the words of God and should be prepared innocently to meet Jesus with Joy. (Ep. 5:26-27)