I Will Break the Yoke Off Your Necks
(Jer. 30:8~10)

There are people who have heavy burdens of mistakes and wounds of the past. Once we believe in Jesus, we are reborn. Therefore, we will live as precious children of God away from the yokes.

1. God who breaks the yoke off
Because of sins of worshipping idols, Israelites were perished by Babylon and lived in despair. However, God saw them with mercy and gave the message of breaking their yoke. Also, God said a king from the linage of David would arise up for them. (Jer. 30:9) The King refers to Jesus. Before believing in Jesus, we were the slaves of the sins so that we lived with the yoke of curses and diseases. After Jesus came to us, Jesus has allowed us to have freedom. Jesus takes away the yoke and burdens of life. Jesus becomes the only savior. Let us depend on Jesus completely so that we will enjoy the real freedom.

2. Do not be dismayed
Before Adam and Eve committed sins, the world was filled with joy and peace. After the sins committed by Adam and Eve, the world is flooded with sins. Due to the sins of idolatry, Israelites becoming the slaves of Babylon lived with fears and anxiety. But God said that He would be with them and asked them not to be afraid. (Jer. 46:28) Likewise, we face ceaseless anxiety, worries and fears. However, let us not be afraid. Almighty God is with us. Taking all problems to God, let us march forward with faith.

3. I will save you
God promised them to return to their nation and saved them out of captivity. (Jer. 46:27) Salvation only belongs to God. God will help us when we stand before God with strong faith. Even the situations become tough and hard and we cannot see the solutions, God will save us with His amazing ways. Let us not be dismayed in despair, let us fix our eyes on God of salvation and keep marching with faith.