The Time of God
(Ecc. 3:10~13)

There is a right time for everything in the world. God sets the right time for everything. We should wait for the time of God while we are living to follow the will of God.

1. Time of life’s sufferings
God allows us to have the time of hardships. However, every hardship does not end as hardships. If we endure and are patient, we will experience the grace and the blessing of God. We will realize the Word of God, grow our faith, and our hope comes true. (Rom. 5:3-4) Therefore, we should not complain about troubles. Rather, we should give thanks with prayers. The darkest hour is just before the dawn. Even the winter of hardships makes our pain, the hopeful spring will surely come. Therefore, we should put our trust in God to go through the time of hardships.

2. God who made everything beautiful in His time
There is a time for everything and God has made everything beautiful in its time. (Ecc. 3:11) As to the life of Moses, we can realize the provision of God. Moses wanted to liberate the Israelites with his own power. After 40 years of training in the desert, he realized that he couldn’t do anything. When he became 80 years old, he was used as the tool of God for the Exodus of Israel people. God sets the right time for us to do His great works. Therefore, we should do our best efforts and fix our eyes on to the time of God so that we keep marching faithfully.

3. A life of doing good works with joy
The life in this land is temporary so we should expect the eternal joy by doing good instead of pursuing the selfish desires and satisfaction. Not only by saying good words and thinking positively, we should practice goodness by doing good actions. (Heb. 13:16) The winter of this year will be much colder because of COVID- 19. We should reach our hands for the poor, sick and isolated. We should not hate our siblings. We should love each other by understanding and forgiving. On the Christmas of this year, I hope everyone will be filled with the love, forgiveness, joy, and peace of God abundantly.