Teach Us to Number Our Days
(Ps. 90:12~16)

Due to COVID-19, we have gone through the hardest time that we had never experienced before. However, we should give thanks to God as we’ve already received the greatest salvation of God, which cannot be hidden by hardships and sufferings of our life as it will be the forever blessing and the amazing grace of God.

1. Let us gain a heart of wisdom
Moses asked God to teach him to number his days. We have to spend our time wisely which comes from our God. Once time passes, it will not return. We should be wise enough to save our time. (Ep. 5:15-16) Not wasting our time, we should live to please with God at every moment. To do this, we should put our priority into the kingdom of God and His Righteousness and use our limited time. Let us march forward with God along with the path of faith every day.

2. Have compassion on us
God hates sins; however, God forgives us when we repent our sins humbly and return to God as God is Love. Therefore, we should kneel down before God and pray before God to receive the mercy and compassion of God. The blind man, Bartimaeus cried out for Jesus to give him mercy. People rebuked him but he shouted more loudly. Jesus listened to his desperate cry and allowed him to see. (Mk. 10:51-52) When Jesus sees us with his compassion, our problems are solved. No matter hard our situations are, we should come before God to cry out to receive the mercy of Jesus. Amazing grace will come to our days.

3. Make us joyful and glad
Moses prayed God would satisfy them in the morning with his unfailing love for them to be glad all their days. Likewise, we should come before God every morning. We pray that we have lived in the sins and curses because of our sins but we pray that we repent our sins humbly and truly to live with the wills of God. Our sufferings will turn into joy. (Ps. 90:15) We should keep marching to Jesus with strong faith by put our trust in God. Everything will be blessed when we are with the Lord.