Absolute Positivity, Absolute Thanksgiving
(Heb. 3:17~19)

The life of Christians should be positive and grateful whatever happens. If we give thanks to God only when we are in good situations, we have immature faith. Regardless of our circumstances, we should give thanks to God without complaints as mature Christians.

1. Prayer in the midst of suffering
The prophet, Habakkuk asked God why God didn’t judge the wicked and when God would judge them. Sometimes, God didn’t answer our prayers immediately. However, we should remember that there will be the right time of God. Even reality become pressing and frustrating, we should be patient to fill the amount of our prayers. When we cry out with faith, God will answer with amazing miracles in His time. (Lk. 18:7)

2. Absolutely positive faith
The judgment of God came to Judah as it was filled with sins everywhere. There are no products in fields, orchards, and pens. (Hab. 3:17-18) However, Habakkuk praised God in depressing moments. The prophet had strong and positive faith in God. He stressed that the righteous should live with faith. Now, we are under the great hardship because of prolonged Corona virus pandemic. God is the Savior. When we are being armed with the absolutely positive faith to march forward, we can overcome various hardships completely.

3. Grace and blessing prepared by the Lord
The prophet rejoiced in God praising that God made his feet like the feet of a deer so that he could see the upcoming blessings of God. We can be joyful in spite of hardships as there will be the blessings of God. Our hardships can be the prelude of the blessings in the future. We have the insights to see the future of blessings. The new year has already come. By jumping over the troubles, we will march toward to the freedom, rejoice, and the peace. Therefore, we should not be dismayed by the visible challenges in front of us. With holding the message of God and doing our earnest efforts whatever we do, the best things of our life will come true. Let us come before God with overflowing gratitude in 2021.