See the Deliverance That the Lord Brings to You
(Ex. 14:13~18)

Faith which can be recognized by God should put down our arrogance and things that we depend on so that we can put our trust in God completely. God is pleased with these faithful people and allow them to experience the amazing salvation of God.

1. The force attacking us
The Pharaoh decided to release the Israelite after being struck by the ten disasters. As soon as the Israelites had left Egypt, the Pharaoh changed his mind to chase them to kill. Just like the Pharaoh, evil spirits always attack us to drive us into the pit of sins and frustration even after we become children of God. However, whatever happens, we should not be dismayed and afraid of hardships and temptations. We are with the Almighty God. Let us turn our eyes from the problems of life and pray with faith. Then God will achieve miracles for us. (Jer. 33:3).

2. God who is with us
Moses answered the people, "Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the LORD will bring you today.” When the dark spirits give us fears, we should not look around the surrounding situations but listen to God. We don’t have power to overcome the problems. But God has power to beat the enemies and allows us to have victorious life. Our God whom we believe is good enough to set the table before us in the presence of our enemies with filling our cups overflowingly. (Ps. 23:4-5) Let us expect the grace of God and be with God at all times.

3. God who deserves to be glorified
God separated the Red Sea so that the Israelites were able to walk in the midst of the sea just like they walked on lands. After they reached the land, God filled the sea again with abundant water so that the enemies were swept over by the sea water. The Israelites experiencing this amazing miracle gave glory and praises to God. God sill defeats the power of the darkness to give us the salvation of God. We should keep our faith strong till the end. The closed door of the temple will be opened. Our lost health will be restored. Our unsuccessful business will become successful. Let us give glory, praises and honor to God with expectation that the day when we will be restored with faith will come true.