At the Ford of the Jabbok in Despair
(Ge. 32:22~25)

Jacob was sly and greedy. He deceived his elder brother to steal the birthright and was blessed by deceiving his father. However, he had various hardships and became mature spiritually.

1. Jacob returning to his hometown
Jacob had to live in his uncle Laban’s house for 20 years. He was blessed by God and became rich before returning to home. However, Esau, who lost his birthright, must have waited for Jacob with his hatred. Hatred in the heart of Esau didn’t disappear even 20 years had passed. On listening to the news that Jacob would return to home, Esau marched forward to fight against his younger brother with his 400 soldiers. (Ge. 32:6) However, hatred and anger don’t solve anything. They will give birth to hatred and anger again. We should put down hatred and anger before the cross of Jesus to live with forgiveness and love of God.

2. Jacob who faced the night
Jacob was fearful of hearing that Esau would come to kill him. He sent treasures to his brother to soothe him. (Ge. 32:13-16, 20) . Then he sent his two wives and two female servants with his 11 sons. (Ge. 32:22-23) He was left alone at the ford of Jabbok river. That night was filled with despair and solitude. He met God in the night. God comes to us even in the dark night. God changes the night of frustrations into the dawn of hope amazingly.

3. Jacob who clung to God
At that night, Jacob wrestled with a man. Jacob felt that the man was extraordinary existence so he held him tightly. He broke the socket of the hip of Jacob but Jacob asked the man to bless him. The angel of God gave Jacob a new name, Israel. (Ge. 32:27-28) The new name means that God controls and God wins. Jacob even wanted to win against the angel of God. However, God came to Jacob for him to live under the control of God. Jacob lived a new life by depending on God. He was reconciled with his elder brother. We are all like Jacob. The selfish life of Jacob is full of tensions, hatred and wounds. We should meet God to be broken spiritually at the ford of Jabbok to live a new life as Israel.