God Who Made Us Walk in the Wilderness
(Dt. 8:2~4)

The thing before the Israel people escaping from Egypt was long journey in the desert. Israelites who were exhausted forgot the grace of God by pouring out grumbles and complaints.

1. God who made us walk in the wilderness
God let the Israelites go through the desert for them to be humble before God. Humans are naturally arrogant. Sometimes people look down at others who seem to be weaker than them. God allows us to go through the training in the desert-like situations for us to be mature. Even our situations are tough and difficult, we should remember that it is the training course for us to enter the blessed land. We should keep our hearts strong to obey the words of God with giving thanks to God and living joyfully (Ps. 119:71; Rom. 5:3-4)

2. God who makes us live by the grace of the word
Passing through the desert, Israelites often complained as they lacked sufficient foods. However, God promised them to have food from heaven and told them that God would test them to see if they would obey God. God provided them with Manna and let them know where to collect the food. Some of them were suspicious and doubtful so that they didn’t obey God. (Ex. 16:19-20) We should hold the word of God tightly regardless of our situations. The difficulties and hardships will be gone for those who desire to remain in the words of God by holding the word of God at all the time.

3. God who gives miracles
God has protected Israelites as their clothes and shoes were not worn out. God is good God who wants to give us the best things in our life. By depending on God completely, our life will be taken care of by God. Let us not live for filling our life with selfish desires. Instead, we should seek for the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness. Then, God will fill our needs. (Mt. 6:33) Let us not waste our time by filling our hearts with hatred, fights, grumbles and complaints. We should live with God who will give us grace and miracles so that we can live with joy and happiness in God.