Giving Water to the Thirsty
(Isa. 44:3~5)

People in the world always feel thirsty. Small business owners suffering from prolonged corona pandemic feel thirsty for financial support; the young looking for decent job feel thirsty for employment; the wounded hearts from broken family feel thirsty for harmonious family. Moreover, our empty hearts cannot be filled in the world. People feel hard because of their empty feeling.

1. God who quenches our thirst
Only God can fill our thirsty feeling. Even we wander the world, we cannot fill our thirstiness. The salty sea water cannot help our thirstiness removed. Even we fill our life with things in the world, we still feel emptiness spiritually. Only Jesus can become our savior and the key to solution. God becomes the beginning and the end as well as everything. God gives water to the thirst and let the water flow in the barren ground. (Isa. 44:3a) We should hold the message of God tightly, looking for God. By doing so, we see our thirsty feeling will be gone and enjoy real happiness and freedom.

2. God who pours the Holy Spirit on us
God pours the Holy Spirit so that our thirst will be removed. The reason we feel thirsty in our life is not because of lacking money, fame and health but because of living without the fullness of the Holy Spirit. It is not selective option to receive the Holy Spirit. We must be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit to enjoy the fullness of the Holy Spirit. As Jesus asked us to do, we should have overflowing river of the water of the Holy Spirit. (Jn. 7:38-39) By receiving the power of the Holy Spirit, we can live the victorious life every day.

3. God who makes us honored
Even we are weak and not perfect, God considers us precious and valuable. God becomes our lot secure and portion, becoming our shepherd for us to be led to the green pasture. (Ps. 16:5-6; Ps. 23:1-4) By depending on the source of blessing, we should put our trust in God to have abundant grace of God. We should take responsibilities of doing faithfully the missions God has given to us by living as a righteous man whom God recognizes and is satisfied with. God will take care of the life so that we can live the blessed life.