You, Who Are Weary and Burdened
(Mt. 11:28~30)

The burdens of each own life cannot be lifted by someone. However, there is only one who can bear the burden instead of us. We can put down our heavy loads before Jesus to receive the real freedom.

1. The Lord who calls us
The Pharisee and the law teachers made the tradition of elders based on the ten commandments and asked people to follow it strictly. The tradition of elders became heavy burdens for people. Jesus pointed out they put the heavy loads on the shoulders of people and called the people who bored the heavy burdens of the tradition. (Mt. 23:4; Lk. 11:46) Also, Jesus called the people who were sick, isolated, and lonely in the world. Jesus doesn’t break the bruised reeds and smoldering flames. Let us learn the love of Jesus to help the people with the unbearable burdens.

2. The Lord who gives us rest
Jesus fills the thirstiness of the people with heavy burdens. (Jn. 7:37) Jesus allows the real peace and rest. (Mt. 11:28b). The greatest writer in the world, Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy was away from God. It was when he was 18 years old and he was persuaded by one of his friends that people had made God. He thought he had real freedom but he wandered purposelessly for many years. Eventually, he met Jesus personally at the age of 55 and he said he found the real peace. If we are wandering without finding real rest, we should come before Jesus as soon as possible.

3. Yokes that we take with the Lord
In Israel, two cows plow fields with sharing a yoke together. One end of the yoke is lifted by the stronger cow while the other end of the yoke is lifted by the weaker and young one which is not good at plowing. Then the weaker and young cow is naturally learning how to plow the fields. Lifting the yoke with Jesus together means that Jesus is bearing the burdens together with us. Therefore, we should not be worried. At the same time, it means that we should learn the personality of Jesus. (Mt. 11:29) We should learn gentleness and humility from Jesus. We should put down the heavy burdens of life, sinful nature, and things that belong to us before God. Let us live a life with the personality and power of Jesus.