The All-Surpassing Power Is from God
(2Co. 4:7~11)

Passing through the corona virus pandemic, we’ve realized that humans are so weak. Many people in the world are frightened because of unseen tiny virus. What we need now is to see the greatness of God through our weakness.

1. Rely on the Almighty God
We are like clay bowls which are priceless and weak. However, Jesus comes in us who are weak and not precious. When we rely on ourselves, we are afraid and worried as the clay bowls. On the contrary, we can live as precious and valuable bowls once we accept Jesus as our master by believing in Jesus. Jesus will help us and lead as with his great wisdom and power. Despite various difficulties and hardships, let us depend on God and be brave. God will lead us to the blessed life with his Almighty power. (Ps. 37:3-5)

2. Live a life of victory in the midst of suffering
Apostle Paul had ceaseless hardships. (2Co. 11:23-27) Paul kept giving thanks and praises to God when he was in troubles as he was not frustrated. Paul said that we are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed. (2Co. 4:8) People believing in Jesus will not be perished by any adversities as Jesus remains in those people. The journey of life will be tough and long. However, those who fight for good with taking the responsibilities will be rewarded with a crown. (2Tim. 4:7-8) Expecting to receive precious award, we should keep marching with a great faith.

3. Let Jesus’ life be revealed
When we believe in Jesus, the life of Jesus comes to our life thereby joining the glory of resurrection at the end. (Phi. 3:10-11) We should not seek for the glory in this temporary world. Rather, we should seek for the glory of heaven where we should live after the resurrection. To be praised by Jesus, we should exert our earnest efforts to take our missions as Christians. We should love our neighbors with the love of Jesus. The love of Jesus will collapse the impossibilities and oppressions. Even in the hardest situations, let us become winner by depending on Jesus to live a victorious life.