I Have Been with Christ
(Gal. 2:20)

The core of the Christians’ faith lies in the cross of Jesus. As Jesus was crucified on the cross, Jesus completed the mission of salvation. Therefore, we should give thanks to Jesus and be proud of the cross of Jesus while living.

1. A life that is dead to self
Our old inner being should be nailed on the cross with Jesus. The old inner being symbolizes the ones with sins and despair. (Rom. 7:18-20) When our old inner being is dead, the real life of Jesus can be revealed. Once our old inner being is dead, we are not easy to be angry at what others say; we are not arrogant; we are not greedy anymore. Rage, arrogance, and avarice are the symbols of our old inner being. We should not be ahead of Jesus with our old inner being. To do this, we should be nailed on the cross with Jesus every day. However, we cannot nail our old inner beings on the cross. Those who are accompanied with Jesus through only prayer and the word of God can overcome the old inner being.

2. A life that invites Christ to be the master
After the death of the old inner being, Jesus remains in our hearts. Receiving Jesus as our master, we can obey Jesus. Whenever we study, do businesses, do house chores or do something, we should do everything for the glory of Jesus, who becomes our master. We should glorify Jesus with what we are doing. (Rom. 14:8) It doesn’t mean that our life should be the life of miserable slaves. Once Jesus becomes the master of our lives, holiness, joy, healing, and eternal life come into our life. Jesus helps us bear abundant fruits in our life.

3. A life lived by faith
We should live in the faith that believes in Jesus who died on the cross with the greatest love to save us. That faith is related to the faith of absolute positivity. With this strong faith, we should live with Jesus daily to bring about miracle day by day. God is pleased with the faithful Christians working with the men of faith. (Heb. 11:6) The positive faith is based on the unconditional love of Jesus. We should share the love of Jesus with people whom we meet. By crucifying the sinful old inner being on the cross, we should live with Jesus as our master. Therefore, we should experience the amazing grace and blessings thereby gaining a victorious life.