God Is Love
(1Jn. 4:7~10)

The cross of Jesus represents the most amazing expression of love of God toward us. Despite believing in Jesus, we cannot live a life of being positive and giving thanks to God entirely unless we experience the love of God. As children of God, we should always be touched by the love of God.

1. Love among the saints
The apostle John asked us to love each other. We should have the unconditional love of Jesus. When the love of God is in us, we don’t hate or blame others according to our self-interests and greed. Churches are the communities based on faith and love. However, there are tensions and conflicts. With only love of God, we can overcome those conflicts. If we have the love of God, we will practice the true love with our hands and feet without empty words. There are many people suffering from various difficulties caused by COVID-19. Let us fill our hearts with the overflowing love of God to encourage and help them so that the good action of love will be shown abundantly.

2. Love of God
The love of God is unconditional. The great theme presented in the Bible chapters from the Genesis to the Revelation is unchangeable and unlimited love of God. God gave his only Son Jesus to us as the sacrifice on the cross to save the sinners. (1Jn. 4:9-10) This precious love is given to us and God loved us first. (1Jn. 4:19) We cannot pay the debt of the greatest love of God. As the debtor of the love, we should live for the glory of God by putting down the life for ourselves.

3. The work of the Holy Spirit
Once we believe in Jesus, God sends the Holy Spirit to us. Those who live with the Holy Spirit in their hearts realize the meaning of the love of God and thereby being able to live in the love of God. The Holy Spirit who remains in us intercedes for us so that we can overcome the temptations and adversities in the world. Eventually, we can live a life as the children of God. (Rom. 8:1-2) Let us be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit to drive out the power of the darkness. We should restore the love between Christian members. Once we are filled with the unfailing love of God, the greatest love of God comes to our daily life.