Lord, Save Me
(Mt. 14:24~32)

Ranging from the inborn disability to the debts from parents, various troubles and sufferings drive people to live in pains. However, those problems can be overcome completely once we are with Jesus.

1. A wind wave of suffering
The disciples were on the boat to reach Galilee without Jesus and the boat was buffeted by the storms. (Mt. 14:24) We face the stormy waves without Jesus, who becomes the master of our life. The troubles and hardships can be the spiritual message that we should repent our sins to return to God. When we are in troubles, we should look back on our days and cry out before God sincerely. (Ps 22:1-2, 19-20) Even the devastated life because of adversity can be restored once we meet Jesus personally by crying out for the salvation of God.

2. Jesus who is walking on the wind wave
The fourth watch of the night equaled to 3 A.M in the morning. It became still dark. Jesus was walking on the stormy lake to get to his disciples. Whatever the problems are, they can’t hinder Jesus from coming to us. God whom we serve sits over the flood. (Ps. 29-10) God doesn’t make us alone in the troubles. God comes to us, encourages us, and comforts us. God tells us not to be afraid. With holding the Word of God, let us march forward faithfully. Almighty God walks with us so that we overcome despair and frustration.

3. Jesus who sees our faith
Peter got off the boat when Jesus asked him to come to Jesus. However, he was afraid and sank as soon as he saw around the great waves around him. Even we are in the trouble, we will not sink if we fix our eyes on to Jesus. On the contrary, we sink under the troubles once we look at the troubles. We should fix our eyes on to Jesus. Don’t be worried once you lose your faith because of looking at your problems and troubles. Jesus holds your hands tightly. Once you hold the hands of Jesus, then, take your life to Jesus with faith. Jesus becomes our captain of the boat sailing over the sea of our life. Jesus makes all the stormy waves calm, bringing about peace for your life.