He Who Comes in the Name of the Lord
(Mt. 21:2~9)

If you were to die a week later, what would you do? As we have a Palm Sunday, let us see how Jesus spent his seven days before being nailed on the cross.

1. Jesus who sat on a donkey
Jesus entered Jerusalem with riding on a donkey. At that moment, a king or generals rode on a horse with a lot of guards. However, the Son of God, the Highest entered Jerusalem most humbly. Jesus washed the dirty feet of his disciples to show how to be humble, which was the last teaching of Jesus. (Jn. 13:5, 14-15) Humility and devotion of life is the most pleasing attitude of life before God. Let us embrace the teachings of Jesus in our hearts and practice being humble.

2. The welcome of the people
The people in Jerusalem thought Jesus as a political messiah who could set them free from Roman oppression. They shouted, "Hosanna to the Son of David!" “Hosanna” means “Save us, Lord” and the “Son of David” refers to the messiah. Jesus is the messiah but not a political messiah. Jesus is the messiah for salvation. What do we expect Jesus to do for us? Are we waiting for Jesus to make us successful or to remove our problems? Our priorities of life should be Jesus. We should look for the Kingdom of God and His righteousness so that we will meet true messiah, Jesus in our life. (Mt. 6:33)

3. My house is a house of prayer
Jesus entered the temple area and drove out all who were buying and selling there to clean the temple. The temple of God is not the place where people fill their greed. Rather, it is the holy place where people can meet God personally. (Mt. 21:13) It is time for us to pray hard. When we restore prayer, the work of revival and healing will be achieved. Let us become a man of prayer. By being filled with the Word of God, prayers and the fullness of the Holy Spirit, let us transform our church to become the holy communities based on the love and blessings of God.