Go and Do Likewise
(Lk. 10:30~37)

Jesus teaches us the orders of God in terms of the love of God and the love of neighbors. Who are the neighbors whom we should love? Through the story of Good Samaritan Jesus let us know the meaning of how to love our neighbors.

1. A life that ran across robbers
A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he fell into the hands of robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead. (Lk. 10:30) Sometimes, we face the moment when we meet robbers on the way of going down. The life of going down the road is dangerous. We should not follow the life of going down in faith. If our passions are lukewarm in loving God, worshiping God sincerely, and spreading the Gospel, we are going down in faith. We should return from the way. Otherwise, we should face the robbers of disease, failure, hatred, and stress which drive us to be in turmoil.

2. The people turning away from the man who ran across the robbers
A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed by on the other side. A Levite, too, passed by on the other side when he came to the same place. (Lk. 10:31-32) The priest refers to a spiritual leader and the Levite refers to the volunteers to serve the church. The priest and the Levite were recognized as they served Lord sincerely, but they turned away the person in need. They were hypocritical and the faith was not true. Instead of being praised in the higher social status, we should be lowered enough to practice the love and devotion of Jesus.

3. The Samaritan taking care of the man who ran across the robbers
A Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him. The relationship between Jews and Samaritans were really bad. As Samaritans were mixed-blood, Jewish people despised them. However, the Samaritan didn’t turn away the man and took care of him with love. Jesus wants us to be like the Samaritan. (Lk. 10:37) Let us be the good Samaritans with the love of Jesus who take good care of people who face robbers at the downturn of life