The Lord Is in His Holy Temple
(Hab. 2:20)

It is not easy for the righteous who believe in God to understand the success of the evil. Habakkuk the prophet couldn’t understand it and asked God why the wicked were not perished quickly. (Hab. 1:3-4) However, God asked him to be silent until the right time came.

1. Wait for the time of God
Asking the questions to God, the prophet said he would look to see what God would say to him, and what answer he would get. We should wait for God’s time without being nervous. The word of God surely will be achieved when the right time of God comes. (Hab. 2:3) The answers of God can be later than our own expectations. We should not complain about not receiving the answer immediately. With holding the word of God and being patient, we should pray and wait for the answer of God. When we humbly take our problems to God, God will lead us to the ways of righteousness and blessing at the end.

2. Live by faith
Whatever happens we should not lose our absolute faith and trust toward God. Martin Luther led the Reformation by depending on the phrase which says, “The righteous will live by faith.”(Rom. 1:17) This phrase was originated from Habakkuk chapter 2 verse 4. We should look back on if we have lived as a righteous man. Do we live to seek for our own glory? Or do we live for the glory of God by achieving the will of God? God acknowledges the life of the righteous. Those who depend on God firmly will not be shaken by any tribulations and trials with enjoying the real peace and joy found in God. We don’t have to envy the success of the wicked will be faded as time passes. Instead, we should put our best efforts to live a life of being righteous to be recognized by God.

3. Be silent before God
People want to raise their voice and act as what they want to do. However, the words and actions away from the will of God will be vain. The prophet asked us to be silent as God was in the holy temple. (Hab. 2:20) The church should not be filled with human voices. The church should be filled with many raises and gratitude for God without the voices of pride, complaints and arguments. It is time for the Christians and churches to stop making worldly noises. Now, we should focus on God. We cannot deal with all the matters. God will work for us. We should take the matters of life over God and walk with God every day thereby being blessed by God.