The Greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven
(Mt. 18:1~6)

People in the world live a self-centered life. They do their best efforts by doing everything they can do to lift themselves. However, Christian should be different. We should resemble Jesus who lowered himself. By doing this, we should lower ourselves, serve others with love, and live a God-centered life.

1. The attention of the disciples
The disciples of Jesus followed the Lord for three and a half years. However, their attention was not different from those of people in the world. They argued about who could be the greatest before Jesus would be on the cross. We should look back on ourselves if we are like the disciples of Jesus. Things we have done for our selfish interests will be temporary and disappear soon. Without living a life to lift ourselves by following the world trend, we should seek for the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness.

2. A person like a little child
Looking at the disciples only interested in who would be the greatest, Jesus said they would never enter the kingdom of heaven unless they change and become like little children. (Mt. 18:2-3) At that moment, Jewish people looked down at children thinking that they were imperfect. Jesus asked the disciples who were filled with greed to be innocent and humble by transforming their minds. Those who long for lifting oneself cannot enter heaven. With the precious blood of Jesus, we should remove avarice, arrogance, and selfishness to restore the pure and innocent faith before Jesus.

3. The greatest in the kingdom of heaven
People considered greatest in heaven are not doing efforts to lift themselves. Rather, they lower themselves. We should not try to be served by others. Instead, we should serve others. God will achieve His work through the people who serve others humbly. Jesus, the Highest and the son of God became the lowest until he died on the cross to obey God. God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name. (Phil. 2:9-11) We must put down arrogance deeply rooted in our hearts and live a life giving glory to God thereby being praised as the greatest in heaven.