Parents of Faith and a Blessed Family
(Heb. 11:23)

God gives us the family for happiness of people. We can build happy family in God. Let us take good care of our family with faith to enjoy the real happiness and satisfaction.

1. Parents of faith
The Pharaoh of Egypt asked to kill baby boys for fear of prosper of the Israelites. (Ex. 1:22) However, the parents of Moses denied the order and raised the boy with faith. Finally, the boy became the great leader, Moses. The parents of Moses chose to keep faith between the order of the Pharaoh and the faith. Our life is series of choices. We should choose between the will of God and the will of human beings. Once we choose to follow our own will, it seems good temporarily. However, we regret as time passes. Especially, we should become wise parents in the family to choose the will of God to please the Lord /

2. A mother of prayer
Samuel who was a great judge and a prophet was born through the prayer of his mother, Hannah. Without her own child, Hannah was in agony. She went to Shiloh for worshipping God and praying hard for God to give her a child. God allowed her to have a baby. As what she promised, she sent her son to God. (1Sam 1:27-28) Samuel learned from his mother so he spent his life praying hard as the judge of the Israelites. We should become the mother of prayer. God will listen to the prayers of mothers and always take care of their children.

3. The blessing of honoring parents
The Ten Commandments break into two recognizable sections, with a bridge linking them. Commandments 1-4 orient us to God. Commandments 5-10 focus on human relationships and processes. The fifth commandment is the foremost important order of God among other commandments dealing with human relationships. Respecting and obeying parents is important. God promised to give the blessing of going well in all matters and living a long life to those who respect their parents. We should not forget the amazing grace of our parents. At the same time, parents should raise their children with the Word of God and prayers. Children must obey and respect their parents. These are the ways how we build the happy and blessed family in God.