The Church in Which God Delights
(Eph. 1:22-23)

The church is the ark for the salvation and pathway for blessing of God. It must be the spiritual home and shelter for Christians. We should not leave from the church and not save our love, loyalty, and dedication to the church.

1. Jesus Christ as the head of the church
Jesus becomes the head of the church. The head controls the whole body. Likewise, Jesus reigns the church. We should not become the head of church. Rather, we should reveal the will of Jesus. The will of Jesus toward the church is spreading the Gospel and practicing the love of God. Not only pastors and church staff member but also all Christians should do the earnest efforts to take the responsibilities of completing the missions. The early churches were devoted to spreading the Gospel and practicing the love so that they experienced the great revival, being praised by people. By praising God and serving our neighbors with love, our church will watch the church growth day by day.

2. The church as the body of Christ
All Christian members are united in the church, the body of Jesus Christ. We are one in Jesus. Regardless of regions, academic and social background, age, and genders, we should be united by the help of the Holy Spirit. Also, we should make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit (Eph. 4:2-3) For example, The Corinthian Church showed various gifts of God. However, there were conflicts causing troubles in the church. Conflicts and arguments are not allowed in any situations. It is the work of evil spirits that make us separated and cause troubles in the church as it harms the body of Jesus, the church. Let us accept and make up with each other thereby keeping our church strong.

3. The church growing everyday
We are one body whose head is Jesus Christ and united by the Holy Spirit. Therefore, we should grow by helping each other. The church which is healthy is the church that grows continuously. We should grow not only quantitatively but also qualitatively. Through the Word of God and prayer we should become mature and bear fruits of the Gospel. From the time we believe in Jesus to the day we go to heaven, we must grow. (Eph. 4:15) Be filled with the Holy Spirit all the time and discern the will of God so that you can enjoy victorious life. I sincerely hope that our church will be the church in which God delights by spreading the Gospel to the whole world.