When the Holy Spirit Comes on You
(Ac. 1:4-8)

Before Jesus ascended to heaven, Jesus asked his disciples not to leave Jerusalem to receive the Holy Spirit. To have victorious life after believing in Jesus, we should be filled with the fullness of the Holy Spirit.

1. The command of Jesus
God promised to send the Holy Spirit to all people regardless of age, gender, and races. (Jo. 2:28) The most important thing in our life is to receive the Holy Spirit. When we are filled with the Holy Spirit, we turn into powerful people to change the world. Be filled with the Holy Spirit and have a holy dream. Live with that dream. Jesus will work through us amazingly. Looking at Jesus only with holding the Word of God, we should march forward with faith as the faithful soldiers of God.

2. Waiting for God’s time
Jesus asked his disciples not to leave Jerusalem until they would receive the Holy Spirit. The disciples waited for the time with praying hard. (Ac. 1:14) Jerusalem is the place where Jesus was crucified. We should not leave the place of grace. Everything has its own time. Waiting for the time of God is not easy. However, the time of God will come to our life surely. Let us not give up and prepare ourselves to be used by God. When the time of God comes to your life, the answers of God will also come through the best and the most beautiful ways.

3. The faith of the fullness of the Holy Spirit
The key to victory of Christians lies in the fullness of the Holy Spirit. When the fullness of the Holy Spirit comes to us, amazing events will happen. 10 days after Jesus ascended the Holy Spirit came to the disciples at the attic on the Pentecostal day. They went outside to spread the name of Jesus after being filled with the Holy Spirit. And Jerusalem experienced the revival. (Ac. 2:41) We are frustrated by the problems when we try to solve them with our own power. In contrast, if we are filled with the Holy Spirit, we can collapse the Jericho of incapability and jump over the Red Sea of frustration. Being filled with the Holy Spirit is not optional but compulsory. Let us practice the love of God and live as the witness of the Gospel by being filled with the Holy Spirit every day.