Go and Make Disciples of All Nations
(Mt. 28:18-20)

What Jesus asked us to do as his last order is called the Great Commission. The Great Commission is given to all Christians, and it becomes the reason why the churches exist. As Christians, we should take responsibilities of taking the Great Commission.

1. Go
Jesus with the authority in heaven and on earth, commands us to go with the Gospel. We should obey God and go to all nations. (Mt. 28:19) Going beyond the geological boundaries, languages cultural barriers, politics, and ideological differences, we should reach every nation such as the nations addicted to drugs, the nations with isolated tribes not having heard about the gospel, and the communism nations and Islamic nations closing their doors to the gospel. Their souls ask us to come and help them. We should reach them with the love of Jesus to help the spiritually poor, starved, and isolated.

2. Make disciples
The order of Jesus is not limited to spreading the gospel. After spreading the Gospel, we should make them the disciples of Jesus with baptizing them. (Mt. 28:19) We should nurture them to take any troubles willingly with devotion for the sake of Jesus. Why do many people criticize churches and Christians? It is because we are not following and keeping the words of Jesus. We say love and justice while we practice hatred and injustice. We should spread the gospel with all our hearts and practice the words of Jesus through our actions. We should be the real disciples of Jesus with the Word of Jesus.

3. Surely I am with you always
It was not easy for the disciples to go out to spread the Gospel because of threats coming from Roman soldiers and Jewish leaders. However, Jesus with all authority in heaven and on earth promised them to be with them. Just like the promise, God sent the Holy Spirit to us on the Pentecostal day. (Jn. 14:16) The disciples were weak, but they were able to win against every spiritual battle as they were fully filled with the Holy Spirit. Today, the Holy Spirit enables people with spreading the Gospel to gain victories in their lives. Jesus will never be away. With holding the message of Jesus, we should live with Jesus by keeping our faith strong.