Do Not Be Anxious about Anything
(Php. 4:6-7)

The Apostle, Paul was put into a prison while he spread the Gospel. He was not worried. Rather, he sent letters to Philippian Christians to ask them to be joyful in the Lord, pray, and give thanks to God.

1. Do not be anxious
Jesus asked us not to be worried about the things in the world. (Mt. 6:25, 31) Those worries and anxiety make our souls sick and ill. However, we are worried and anxious when the difficulties that we cannot solve by ourselves come into our life. At that time, we should pray hard. We should kneel to pray before Jesus. Pray is the key to all problems. Keep your heart strong with faith toward Jesus.

2. Pray to the Lord
Praying means that we take our problems to God. Don’t listen to the words in the world which make us feel afraid, but listen to the promised word of God. When we ask, seek and knock the door, God will answer us with the best things. (Mt. 7:7-8) God will take good care of our days. (1Pe. 5:7) No other problems in the world can beat the people who pray sincerely as God who is greater than the world will protect those who pray hard. God will rescue you from adversity and enable you to praise the Lord. Pray before God humbly if you are in the troubles. God will answer you and reveal something greater and unsearchable.

3. Give thanks
God is pleased with our giving thanks to God. When we pray with giving thanks to God, God will answer us. We should give thanks with faith regardless of our situations. We should give thanks to God in any situations. God will make us feel peaceful when we pray with gratitude. We should keep praying and praying until our minds feel peaceful. (Php. 4:7) The peace coming from God is different from the peace in the world, which is temporary. Let us not be worried. Live a life of peace and victory through praying hard with giving thanks to God.