A Burning Stick Snatched from the Fire
(Zec. 3:1-5)

While we are living we face various problems. Sometimes we face problems because of other people or wrong situations or we cause various problems because of our faults. Whatever the reasons are, we should not be frustrated because of the problem as we believe in Jesus. By the faith that Jesus is with us, we can overcome various difficulties thereby living a victorious life.

1. Israel as the burning stick
The burning stick out of fire, cited by Zechariah means the Israelites who had been the captives for 70 years under Babylon. And Joshua is meant the representative of the people. God rebuked the Satan who was against him and drove him in agony. Satan always makes the people of God troubled. Of course, sometimes, God punishes the people who have committed sins for her or him to return to God. However, God waits until we humbly repent all the sins waiting forgiving and restoring us. The hardships allowed by God to us become the tool to lead us to the right direction of blessing. When we are in trouble we should repent our sins and return to God as soon as possible.

2. Taking off filthy clothes
Even Joshua was lifted out of difficulties, his still dressed in dirty clothes. God asked the angles to take off his clothes. When we repent our sins, God will forgive us. (1Jn. 1:9) When God restores us, God will heal our wounds wiping out our tears. Come before God. God will take away your tears of sorrow and solitary that you have shed because of the problems related to business diseases and relationships.

3. Putting a clean turban
God set the crown made of silver and gold on the head of the high priest, Joshua. Likewise God saved his people out of difficulties and put the clean turban on the head. God helps his people stand before God properly. Though we are like the burning tree sticks, God will change us into precious gold once we come before God. The holy vision and dream of God will come true. Expecting on the glorious days in near future, we should keep marching strongly with our eyes fixed on God.