They Will Fill All the World with Fruit
(Isa. 27:2-6)

We become the people of God after believing in Jesus. God doesn't abandon the people whom God has decided to choose and love. The love of people will change while that of God will be forever. Let us enjoy overflowing love and peace in the everlasting love of God.

1. A fruitful vineyard
The vineyard told by the prophet Isaiah refers to the chosen people of God, the Israelites. God took good cares of the people of Israel as the fruitful vineyard. Unlike the expectation of God, the vineyard wasn’t able to produce good fruits. (Isa. 5:2) It was because the people of God turned away from God, worshipping the idols and being corrupted by committing sins. God punished the Israelites as God wanted them to return. God wants the sinners to return. When we repent our sins and return to God, God will accept us and cherish us as the precious people of God.

2. God who is a vineyard keeper
A guard keeps taking care of the vineyard days and nights. Likewise, God takes care of us all the time. When we put our trust in God completely, we will experience the guidance and protection of God. Whenever we fall down, God makes us rise up again by giving us new strength and power. God will drive out troubling problems and judge our enemies. (Isa. 27:4) God has loved, lifted and embraced us from our birth to death. (Isa. 46:3-4) Let us give glory to God with many thanks and praises as we are being touched by the amazing love of God at all times.

3. God who makes us bear abundant fruit
God encourages his beloved people to take roots, open the buds, blossom, and bear abundant fruits at the end. (Isa. 27:6) Bearing fruits doesn’t mean that it is good for oneself. Rather, it will be good for the world as the fruits can fill the world with the grace and joy of God. By being a new person in Jesus Christ and taking off the sinful inner person, we can sprout the bud of faith and bear the bountiful fruit, the glory of God will shine over the world. Let us bear more beautiful and meaningful fruits satisfying God in Jesus only to make the better world and give glory to God.