The Lord Saves the Humble
(Ps. 18:27-30)

The reason we feel painful in troubles is our ego is alive. When we fix our eyes onto Jesus from ourselves the mountain-like problems seem to get smaller and we feel peaceful in the grace. Let us not be frustrated and march forward with praises and gratitude towards God.

1. God who saves the humble
God saves His people who are humble from their problems and adversity. Being humble is the situation where people had been painful because of lots of troubles. It was the Israelites that had been oppressed for 430 years as the slaves in Egypt. They cried out to ask for help before God and God listened to them, allowing them to escape from Egypt. (Ex. 2:23; 3:7) We should be humble when faced hardships and ask for help from God. God will not turn away. God will save those who are humble. When we are in the troubles, let us know that we are nothing. We should expect the help from God.

2. The Lord who lights a lamp
God will overflow His grace for us to take the responsibilities given by God. Not to turn off the lamp of the mission, God will make the light of the lamp keeping glowing by pouring the Holy Spirit. We are the light sent to the world by Jesus so that we should bear the fruit of the kindness, righteousness and truth as the children of the light. (Mt. 5:14, Ep. 5:8-9) The duty of the light is to shine the darkness. The world is full of sins and frustrations in the darkness However, the darkness cannot beat the light. We should visit the place where the darkness dominates and shine the light of the Holy Spirit, grace and love of God. Let us be filled with the Holy Spirit to shine the light of God as the children of the light.

3. A life that fully relies on the Lord
We should depend on God in any situation. With the word of God, we should keep marching bravely. Jump over your obstacles of doubts, anxieties and negative thoughts in your mind. With holding the promises of God, jump over the challenges and problems that belong to the world. God becomes our shield and the horn of the salvation. (Ps. 18:2) Even though we are weak, God whom we serve is the Creator of the universe and the Almighty who has no impossibility. Live a life, which overcomes every difficulty as the conqueror by depending on the word of God.