Repair the Ruined Altar
(1Ki. 18:30-35)

During the period of Ahab, the Israelites worshiped the idols deeply. God closed the door of heaven and stopped the rain from falling as the punishment. God sent His prophet, Elijah to stand before Ahab, and Elijah was against the 850 false prophets who served Baal and Asherah. Finally, Elijah defeated them, showing God is the true God.

1. Repair the ruined altar
The false prophets were calling on their god loudly all day long. Yet, there was still no answer. However, Elijah asked the people of Israel to come near and repair the broken altar. While we are living in the sinful world, the altar of faith might have been destroyed unconsciously. Just like Elijah repaired the altar of the Lord by depending in God, we should repair the altar of worship, prayer, praise and love and sharing with the power of God. (1Ki. 18:32)

2. We should go back to the faith of the cross
The prophet of God built an altar and dug a trench around it. He arranged the wood, cut the bull into pieces, and laid it on the wood. Then he asked the people to pour the water on the offering and on the wood. The bull shedding blood on the wood represents Jesus who was on the cross to save us. Even we lose everything, we should hold the faith of the cross tightly. (1Cor. 2:2) The root of Christianity lies in the cross of Jesus. Thinking of the cross, we should be filled with the overflowing gratitude and joy. The water Elijah poured on the trench symbolizes the fullness of the Word of God and purification. The faith of the cross brings about the grace and miracle of God. By meditating the Word of God and engraving it into our heart, let us enjoy the grace of the cross.

3. God who answered by the fire
When God heard the prayer of Elijah, the fire came down. When we pray, God answers surely. Especially, God baptizes us with the Holy Spirit and fire so that we can live a holy life as Christians. The fire in the Bible represents the punishment. (Mt. 3:12) The fire on the altar made by Elijah shows the rage of God visually. God is patient but counts all our sins and punishes against the sins as God is righteous. To avoid the punishment of God, we should repent thoroughly. By depending on the blood of Jesus, we should repent all our sins so that we are forgiven and remain in the real peace and freedom God will give us.