God Saw That It Was Good
(Ge. 1:1-5)

The secret to victorious faith despites all kinds of problems and troubles lies in the life of being acknowledged by God. We should be reorganized by God and should live to please God.

1. God who created the heavens and earth
The Bible begins with the proclamation of the creation of the universe by God. (Ge. 1:1) God created the heavens and the earth. God also created the universe. God becomes the origin of everything and everything is created for the glory of God. Humans are created for the glory of God. We should remember the reason why we are created and live our one and only lives for the glory of God. To do this, we should have strong faith. God meets those who come before God with faith and gives rewards for those who live with the will of God.

2. Hovering of the Spirit of God
After the creation of the heavens and the earth, the darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. Likewise, the world has been in the sins and frustrations and people were clouded by the chaos and darkness after Adam and Eve committed the sins. When all humans were captives of the sins and were frustrated, God sent the Spirit of God. The Holy Spirit sets us free and helps us to be filled with the Spirit of God. Once the Holy Spirit comes to us, the captives become free, the blind can see, and the oppressed can be released. (Lk. 4:18) Don not live as the slave of sins. Be filled with the fullness of the Holy Spirit so that we can have real freedom in Jesus.

3. Creating light
The Spirit of God was hovering in the dark world. God created the light. God saw it was good. (Ge. 1:4) The light becomes the source of energy and the darkness cannot defeat the light. God says that we are the light of the world. Therefore, we should not live in the darkness any more. We should remain in the light. With the power of the light, we should create a new history every day in Jesus Christ. By doing so, we should live a life which is seen to be good thereby being recognized and praised by God day by day.