The Lord Is On My Side
 (Ps. 118:5-10)
 Humans were originally created to have a friendly relationship with God as they resembled God. However, after Adam and Eve committed sins and were corrupted, the relationship with God was disconnected. As a result, poverty, curses, diseases and death come to our life. The sufferings have become the part of our lives.
 1. In your anguish, cry to the Lord
 When we are living in the world, unexpected hardships come to us and we are in the great hardships. Then, we should cry out before God. Some hardships cannot be helped by other people. We should cry out before God. God will listen to us and deliver us. When you are in trouble and are suffered, pray hard before God. God will save our souls out of death, wiping out our tears, delivering our feet from stumbling. (Ps. 116:8)
 2. The Lord is on my side
 Sometimes people whom we have trusted on are away from us after betraying us. Even people are away from us but God is not. God is with us and takes care of us. When we depend on God wholeheartedly, God becomes our side to help us. Therefore, no one and noting can harm us. (Ps. 118:6-7) Let us not be afraid of the people who are against us and betray us. Depend on God. Despites any situations frustrating us, we should not be shaken and fix our eyes onto Jesus.
 3. Live a life of a victor in the Lord
 Be brave and take courage to be against of any types of hardships. Make sure that God is with us at all times. Defeat the power of the darkness by using the power of Jesus’ name. After the death of Moses, Joshua became the leader and he had to fight against the Canaanite clans. Before the countless eyes of the enemy, God told Joshua that God was with him and no one could be against you. (Josh. 1:5, 9) This is the core message that is given to us. With holding the message, depend on God who become our power, shelter, and salvation. Then, you will live a life of a victorious christian thereby enjoying real peace.