The Thinking God Has for Us

(Jer. 29:11-13)
Human is the one who thinks something. Thinking can shape the ways of our life. Therefore thinking is very important in our life. After believing in Jesus, our thinking should be changed. We should get rid of selfish and self-centered mind and look for where the will of God is.

1. The will of God for us
God whom we serve is very good and wants to give the best things to His children. While the devils give the worst disasters, God gives us peace and the bright future with hope. (Jer. 29:11) However, worries, anxiety and fear came to our minds to take away our peace as the result of committing sins. We have been terrified because of sins. However, God sent Jesus to forgive and save us. Jesus was sacrificed on the cross to bear our sins. Therefore, the grace and the peace of the salvation were presented to us. Thus, we should have holy vision and dream in Jesus by being joyful all the time to create the new history.

2. Faith that cries out
To achieve the holy dream and vision, we should call upon before God. (Jer. 29:12) Even if we meet any problems and hardships, God will listen to us and give us answers once we call upon God with depending on the name of Jesus. When the Israelites had hard work and exhausted in Egypt, they cried and prayed. God listened to them. When David was chased by the King, Saul, he cried out and prayed. God listened to him and saved him out of dangers. Likewise, when we are in trouble, we should seek of God with praying hard. God will meet us in person.

3. Look at the time of glory of God
The Israelites were chosen people but they committed sins. They were judged by God and became the slaves of Babylon for 70 years. However, God made them set free and returned to home. Even we are not righteous with committing various sins, we can be saved once we thoroughly repent our sins. When we return to God, God will give us the grace of restoration. The frustrating moments which are like wilderness will turn into the blossoming blessings of God thereby being filed with Joy. (Is. 35:1-2) Let us not be frustrated by the problems ahead. March forward with absolute faith. When the glorious time of God comes, the good thing will happen in the Lord.