God Who Pours Out a New Spirit
(Eze. 36:24-28)

The Christianity is the religion of hope. Jesus who overcame the death becomes our savior. So, we have overcome the despair of death. Once we remain in Jesus, we will bear meaningful and abundant fruits.

1. The Lord who delivers us from despair
Due to the worshipping the idols, the northern Israel was perished by Assyria in 772 BC while the southern kingdom of Judah was destroyed by Babylon in 586 BC. The people were captured as slaves and were scattered. They repent their sins before God. God listened to their prayers with tears and gave them His promise through Ezekiel, through which God comforted them. Likewise, when we repent all our sins and return to God, God allows us to have His mercy, forgiving our sins and faults.

2. The Lord who makes us clean
When the Israelites lived as slaves in the unfamiliar land where the sins were everywhere, they were stained and worshipped various idols. God told them to be washed by His sprinkling fresh water for them to be purified. Sprinkling water during the Old Testament period symbolizes the ritual of purification. (Num. 19:18-19) As God washed the people of Israel with the fresh water, our sins will be forgiven. However dirty our sins are, God will forgive our sins once we return to God, once we repent our sins thoroughly. Let us be washed by the precious blood of Jesus, the Word of living God and the fresh water of the Holy Spirit in Jesus.

3. The Lord who gives a new spirit
God purified the Israel people and gave them a new spirit and a new heart. (Eze. 36:26-27) When the new spirit, a new heart, is alive, the slaves of the sins become the children of God so that we can live a victorious life. Also, our rigid hearts will be soften to wear the clothes of gentleness and humility once the Holy Spirit comes to us. Additionally, we should keep the Word of God and practice it into our daily life. Therefore, let us be filled with the Holy Spirit. Then, our soul, spirit and everything will go well thereby gaining the abundant life.