Now Is the Time to Pray
(Jer. 33:1-3)

Unlike animals, people are spiritual and able to communicate with God through prayer. The prayer is like our spiritual breath and a pathway to be blessed. We should not forget this amazing tool of blessing. Rather, we should make a good use of it to be successful during our faithful journey.

1. Jeremiah in prison
Jeremiah foretold the decline on Judah because of the attacks of Babylon. He proclaimed with tears that Judah would be judged by God and would become the captives of Babylon if it would not obey God. Because of this prophecy he was criticized by the false prophets and hated by the King. As a result, he was sent to a prison. Unexpected problems and hardships come to our life during our lives. The thing we should focus more is on the fact that God’s words came to Jeremiah than on the fact that he was in the prison. (Jer. 33:1) We can overcome any depressing moments once we are given the words of God. We should hold the message of God tightly and march forward with faith even the hardships come to us.

2. God who established it
God says to us who are in the prison of despair that God will establish what he has planned. (Jer. 33:2) God created the universe and has been taking control of it. God is the absolute authority. God has managed all the things in the world and will do the thing that God will be pleased with on the earth. Only the perfect and complete will of God will be established in the history of humans. Therefore, we should obey the will of God and take our things to God. God will achieve His plan when the right time comes.

3. God who hears our prayers
When the biggest adversity that we cannot deal with comes to our life or when we feel as if we were in the prison, we should pray at those moments. When we pray before God sincerely, God will answer us. (Jer. 33:3) We should pray hard until the answers of God come to us. We should ask for help to God, seek for God and knock the door of heaven. When we cry out wholeheartedly before God, God will save us out of all the difficulties and show us the unsearchable things that we do not know. God will make a road in the barren desert and a stream flow. Let us experience these amazing miracles even in the time of troubles by praying hard before God.