What Jesus Accomplished on the Cross
(3John. 1:2)

The starting point of our faith is the cross of Jesus. The salvation of Jesus was achieved on the cross. When Jesus said it was finished on the cross, the three curses that were given since the sins that Adam and Eve committed disappeared, bringing amazing threefold blessings.

1. Blessing for the soul
The first blessing among threefold blessings is restoring our dead spirit. (Eph. 2:1) Anyone can receive the new life as soon as he or she receives Jesus as the Savior so that their spirits are restored with new life, living for the glory of heaven instead of rushing to the hell. Therefore, we should confess the love toward Jesus every day. Once the love and life of Jesus comes to our life, our spirit will be blessed. Once our spirit is blessed, we can take a good control of the material world. Once we are spiritually blessed, we should seek for the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness.

2. Blessings of going well
Once we are spiritually blessed, everything goes well. When Adam and Even were expelled out of Eden, the environment was also cursed. Therefore, the lands were filled with thorns and thistles. We have had to work hard with hard labor and sometimes people have crushed each other for fierce competition. The rich with having all are arrogant while the poor without anything are frustrated. However, Jesus was on the cross with curses and got rid of thorns and thistles. (Gal. 3:13) When we are honest and sincere, the blessing of God will overflow in your life and you will be blessed. Therefore, we should give thanks to the blessing of God and share the blessing and the love of God for our neighbors.

3. Blessing of good health
God allows his children to be healthy for them to work hard for the kingdom of God. Jesus also brought miracles of healing the sick. Whoever came before Jesus would be healed. (Matt. 4:23-24). Now, Jesus is also healing our spiritual, emotional, and physical diseases. As Jesus was suffering on the cross, we are now being healed. The divine healing overflows. The light of healing will shine over your life so that you will be healthy all the time.