The Water Became Sweet
(Ex. 15:22-26)

As Adam and Eve disobeyed God, the blessed environment was cursed. Therefore, there are a lot of harmful toxins in the world, which destroy our surroundings and makes our body sick.

1. A desperate situation without water
Israelites had been slaves under the 430-year Egyptian oppression, and they escaped to get to Canaan. However, what waited for them was the cursed environment, the barren deserts. Walking for 4 days, they could not find any water source and longed for finding water. (Ex.15:22) People in the world got thirsty. Many small-medium business owners are struggling because of lingering COVID-19 pandemic. Many young people got thirsty to find decent jobs and look for shelters. The rich without dream got thirsty so they are addicted to drugs, gambling, or sinful pleasure. How can we resolve our thirst?

2. Poisonous bitter water
Suffering from thirst, the Israel people had been searching for water for three days and eventually found the water. However, they could not drink the water at all because of toxins. Today people sometimes get food poison when food or water includes toxins. However, the toxin and harmful substances coming into our minds and souls are much stronger. These are the toxins of homosexual love, materialism, physical pleasure, and negative thoughts. When Israel people could not drink the water at all, they grumbled against Moses. (Ex. 15:24) However, we should not complain and grumble. The toxins spread into our body and mind when we complain. Therefore, we should be filled with the Holy Spirit and be armed with the absolute positivity and gratitude to get rid of poisons in our hearts.

3. Moses’ prayer and God’s answer
The piece of wood symbolizes the cross of Jesus. The poison in our life will become sweet when the cross of Jesus is thrown into our life. The bitter water of despair becomes the sweet water of hope. The bitter water of diseases becomes the sweet water of health. The bitter water of curses becomes the sweet water of abundance. The bitter water of death becomes the sweet water of eternity. By depending on the power of the cross of Jesus and obeying the word of God, we should experience that all bitter water of our life are the sweet water of blessings of God.