Jesus, the healer (Fivefold Gospel Ⅱ)
(Isa. 53:4-5)

The symbol of Christianity is the cross. Jesus completed the great mission of salvation for humans. Thanks to the cross of Jesus, we were reborn, were filled with the fullness of the Holy Spirit, could be healed, were given the various blessings and will go heaven for eternal life.

1. God who sets us set free from disease
Our Good God becomes the healer who heals us. (Ex. 15:26) However, the condition of being healed is that we should listen to God and keep the Word of God. When we obey the Word of God, God makes us set free from various diseases. When we are frequently sick and suffer from various diseases, we should see if there is something wrong with the relationship between God and us. If we do something wrong in the eyes of God, we should repent our sins thoroughly and return to God. Furthermore, if we have hatred, anger, negative and malicious thought toward our neighbors, we should make the relationship correct. Through the restoration of the relationships, we will be set free from many kinds of diseases.

2. Jesus the healer
We are healed as Jesus was pierced and shed his blood of the cross. 700 years before Jesus came to us, the prophet Isaiah prophesied that Jesus would take the mission of healing. According to Isaiah 53:5, it is said we are healed by His wounds. We should confess this verse out of our mouth with faith. The sick people who came to Jesus were all healed during the life of Jesus. Jesus had on mercy them and healed them completely. Come before Jesus through your faith. Jesus is still healing and restoring us from the diseases once we come before Jesus with faith.

3. The grace of healing and recovery
When the spirit of God remains in us, the spirit of life works in us and makes us alive despite of becoming a dead body in the end. (Rom. 8:11) Jesus was dead on the cross, taking every sin, disease, curse and poverty and he was resurrected, too. Before ascending to heaven, Jesus asked us to pray hard with laying our hands on afflicted body parts with faith so that we will be healed. Therefore, we should pray hard to be healed with positive faith by holding the Word of God. By doing so, we will experience the divine healing and be dedicated ourselves to doing the great works of God with sound mind and body for the glory of God.