Jesus Who Gives the Blessing of Abundance (Fivefold Gospel Ⅲ)
(Gal. 3:13-14)

The cross of Jesus is not limited to saving the souls. Jesus took away the sins and despair. Also, Jesus took away poverty and curses when he was on the cross.

1. Jesus died on the cross bearing our poverty and curses
When we receive Jesus as our personal Savior, the amazing grace and blessing come to us, which were accomplished on the cross. The bible says that for your sakes Jesus became poor, so that you through His poverty might become rich. The blessing of being rich as well as being blessed in every way will come to us. Thanks to the grace of the cross, curses are gone, and the blessing of Abraham comes to our life. (Gal. 3:13-14) Therefore, we should enjoy the promised blessing of God. Furthermore, we should share this blessing with our neighbors who are in troubles.

2. The principle of sowing and reaping
The law of being rich lies in that of sowing, reaping, and sharing. (Lk. 6:38) Helping others by sharing love with others was the core work of the early churches. No one was starved in the early churches. Widows and homeless people were cared for by the church members. We should restore the image of this community based on love, which is willing to help others with love. When we give our things to others by sharing what we have, God will bless us more. We should saw the good seeds spiritually for the kingdom of God. Prayer, gratitude, praises toward God, and service for others with love will be awarded with eternal life in heaven.

3. The path to spiritual abundance
We will be rich when we live a life of being recognized by God. However, the blessing of richness does not come to us if we do nothing. The lazy people cannot be blessed at all. Whatever we do, we must do our earnest efforts. The bible says you will eat the fruit of your labor; blessings and prosperity will be yours. (Ps. 128:1-2) The righteous people who take full responsibilities of what God has given to them, will pass down the amazing blessing of God to their generations. Therefore, we should do our best efforts whatever we do to have the blessing of richness so that we share that blessing with others, too.