A Life Recognized by God
(Gen. 6:5-10)

People in the world want to be successful. What is real success? Where do we find the real happiness? We are spiritual beings, created by the image of God. Therefore, when we live a life to please God as we are created to give glory to God, we will find the real happiness and have a successful life in the Lord.

1. Noah who walked with God
He was righteous and walked with God. (Gen. 6:9) Walking with God means to live by the will of God. To do this, we should regard the Word of God as our priorities. We should read and meditate the Word of God to be led by the Word of God. Furthermore, we should kneel down before God frequently to seek for the help of God. God does not turn away from us and gives us his answers. Likewise, we should walk with God through the Word of God and prayers.

2. Noah who found favor in God’s eyes
At that time, many people were corrupted and lived in the sins but for Noah. God decided to wipe all humans who are full of sins. However, Noah lived a righteous life to please God so God planned to save Noah and his family members. (Gen. 7:1) Even one person believes in Jesus faithfully and is devoted to serving the Lord, the whole family of that person will be saved. When Apostle Paul had the second mission travel, the prison guard who sent Paul into the prison, was saved by believing in Jesus and so did his family. Therefore, let us believe in Jesus sincerely and receive the blessing of God.

3. Noah, a man of obedience
Noah obeyed God and he built the ark whose length was 300 cubits, breadth 50 cubits, and height 30 cubits, spending long years without complaints. People who had not experience rain and the danger of deluge, scorned and laughed at him. Despite the people who insulted him, Noah obeyed the Word of God with faith. Eventually, he was acknowledged by God as a righteous man. Noah, his family members and even Noah’s animals were all saved at the judgement day. (Heb. 11:7) When the deluge stopped and the water dried out, Noah built the alter to give thanks to God. God blessed Noah and his sons to be fruitful and increase in number to fill the earth. By resembling Noah walking with God and obeying God, We will receive the blessing of God.