I Am the Least
(Jdg. 6:11-16)

“Who am I?” “Why do I live?” And “Where am I going?” These questions are the three major questions of our life. We are the children of God, so we should give glory to God until we go to heaven when God calls us.

1. A precious person in the sight God
During the period of the judges, many gentiles attacked Israelites and caused a lot of damages. Among them, Midianites had bothered the Israelites for 7 years, taking a lot of resources. At that moment, Israelites prayed God desperately, God listened to them and chose Gideon who would save them out of Midianites. When the angel of the LORD appeared to Gideon, he said, “The LORD is with you, mighty warrior”. The angel said that Gideon would save the Israelites from the Midianites. (Jdg. 6:12, 14) But he said that he was the least in his family. When we look at ourselves, we seem to be imperfect and weak. However, we can be used as the great people of God when God is with us.

2. God who is with us
The LORD answered, “I will be with you, and you will strike down all the Midianites together”. (Jdg. 6:16) No matter how the problems or enemies are big, we will not be fearful when we are with God. God whom we serve is the Savior who was with Moses and Joshua to save the Israelites as God had been with them. That God was also with Gideon for him to gain victory. Furthermore, Jesus, our Savior, came to us as God who is with us. Also, Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to be with us all the time.

3. God of peace
Gideon prepared the offering after listening to what God said. When the angel touched the offering with the tip of the staff, there was a fire. Then, Gideon realized that he faced the angel of God, and he was terrified. But the LORD said to him, “Peace! Do not be afraid.” (Jdg. 6:23) God asked him to crush the alter of Baal and break the cut down the Asherah pole beside it. Gideon obeyed what God asked him to do. Finally, he was able to 300 Midianite soldiers after removing the idols. Likewise, when God is with us, a great victory will follow. We should get rid of idols we love more than God thereby experiencing the pace of God every day.