Strike the Water with the Cloak of Elijah
(2Ki. 2:12-14)

Everything in the world has its own time. (Ecc. 3:1-4, 8) Thus, we should be used preciously by God when God gives us talents, chances, and time without losing them. Today’s scripture tells us the story of Elijah and Elisha who were used by God.

1. Elijah who went up to heaven
Elijah was one of the greatest prophets as he ascended to heaven without experiencing death. For three years, there was no rain because of idolatry in Israel during the time of King, Ahab. At that moment, Elijah had spiritual battles against the Baal prophets, winning the battle and judged them. When he prayed desperately, rain came down. God who received the glory through Elijah called him to heaven after he finished his mission. (2Ki. 2:11) Elijah went up to heaven without seeing death just like Enoch thereby facing the most glorious last time. We should have the most glorious last time before God like Elijah.

2. Elisha taking the cloak of Elijah
Elisha wanted to inherit a double portion of the spirit of Elijah. (2 Ki. 2:9) We should have a holy vision such as Elisha. Visions and dreams in God will come true when the right time comes. Listening to the prayers of Elisha, Elijah dropped out his cloak to Elisha. When he picked it up, the spirit of God came to him. When Elisha stuck the Jordan River, the water was split, and he walked on the sea like land. We need that powerful cloak. To receive the powerful cloak, we should be filled with the Holy Spirit and armed with the Word of God. With the strong cloak, we should keep marching.

3. Elisha divided the Jordan River
While we are living, hindrances and obstacles prevent us from marching forward bravely. The rivers of impossibility, diseases, distresses, and frustration stand before us. We need the cloak of faith and power to strike it. When he took the cloak and cried out where the Lord is, the God of Elijah, the water divided. Likewise, we should strike it with the cloak of power so that the rivers of problems can be divided. Just like Elisha inherited the double portion of the Spirit to complete the holy mission, we should be filled with the fullness of the Holy Spirit in order to become the great servants of God.