The Lord Will Come
(Isa. 40:9-11)

Jesus came to us giving up the highest throne of heaven and lowered himself to become a human in order to save us. This is the Gospel, the good news to us. We should spread the Gospel all over the world.

1. Convey good things
The news from the world is negative and frustrating, which gives us anxiety and fear. However, we should spread the news of life, hope, and joy as the children of God. God will bless those who spread the good news. (Isa. 52:7) Especially, we should spread the good news of Jesus, who becomes the Savior of humans as well as the King of peace. Jesus will come again for all nations. We should go up to the Mountain, Zion to spread this good news. When we come before Jesus, we will be empowered by the amazing power of Grace and the blessing of God.

2. The Lord will come
When we try hard to come to Jesus closely, Jesus will come with power as the Almighty and reign over us. (Isa. 40:10) We should prepare the way for Jesus to come and make it straight paths. Jesus will come on the cloud on the last day and reward us depending on our behaviors we have done. Through the parable of talents, Jesus told us that the servants leaving 5 and 2 talents respectively would be praised while the one burying one talent under the ground was rebuked harshly as he was lazy and did not work hard. We should do our best efforts whatever we do to be praised as the good and faithful servant when Jesus comes again.

3. The Lord guides us
Jesus will lead us just like a shepherd until we meet God. Jesus will feed, embrace, and guide so we shall not be wanted. (Ps. 23:1-3) However, we should completely depend on God and be armed with absolute positivity and gratitude so that our life will be God-oriented. Therefore, we will gain a victory whichever problem and difficulties by resting to the Lord, our shepherd.