Jesus coming to us
(Isa. 11:1-5)

Jesus came to the world to save all human beings living with sins and depression. The event of Jesus coming is the biggest blessing and miracle of human history. By the way, why did Jesus come and what kind of person did Jesus come?

1. The Spirit of God being with us
The life of Jesus lived with the spirit of God. Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit and was born to Maria. Jesus was filled with the fullness of the Holy Spirit when he was baptized. Before starting with the Public Life, Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit to be tested. Jesus lived a full life with the Holy Spirit and taught his disciples about the Holy Spirit at the last supper. (Ac. 1:4-5) Jesus was dead on the cross and rose again. Before ascending, Jesus ordered his disciples to be filled with the fullness of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, we need to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Once we are filled with the Holy Spirit, we can overcome various problems.

2. The Lord who rules the world in righteousness
Justice is fair treat for all humans who are created by God so that they are respected fairly and equally. In the righteous world, we will not be discriminated because of social status, wealth, and property. Jesus came to the world, but Jesus embraced the poor and the humble with his love and justice. On the contrary, Jesus rebuked the wicked and the arrogant. (Isa. 11:4-5) Jesus will reward those who practice the love for people who are isolated and in troubles. Let us enjoy real justice and the grace of peace, practicing the justice and the love of Jesus for the neighbors.

3. Jesus Christ coming as the King of peace
Our history has been stained by conflicts, tensions, and wars as we have been away from God. People full of sins and avarice have caused wars to have more and many historians lament as human history is filled with wars. However, Jesus came to us to end the wars and bring real the peace to all by becoming the King of peace. (Lk. 2:14) Now, we should resemble Jesus to become the ambassador of peace. We should put down our hatred toward neighbors and reach our hands of love and forgiveness. By holding hands of peace together, we should practice the love of God to present the life of Jesus, the King of peace for the world.