A Savior Has Been Born to You
(Lk. 2:8-14)

The birth of Jesus was the biggest blessing and miracle of human history. The history can be divided into B.C. (Before Christ) and A.D. (Anno Domini), which was based on the birth of Jesus Christ. The world filled with poverty, curses, diseases, and frustrations has been changed into the world with blessings and hope after Jesus came for us.

1. A Savior was born for you
It was the night when Jesus was born, the angel brought the good news to shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. (Lk. 2:10) The good news was that a Savior has been born. This message was the news of the salvation for all people. Anyone who receives the good news of the salvation and believes in Jesus, can get out of sins and frustrations, and become the children of God. As children of God, we should spread this good news for those who have not heard the good news. We should spread the good news of Jesus becoming our Savior.

2. Glory to God
Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host letting know the shepherds about the birth of the Savior, appeared with the angel, praising God, and saying, “Glory to God in the highest.” (Lk. 2:14) The children of God saved by believing in Jesus should live for the glory of God. The fame and wealth of the world disappear quickly as fog does. Therefore, we should put down the pursuit of material things, social status, fame, and wealth. Even we had lived for the glory for ourselves before believing in Jesus, we should change now and live for the glory of God as we have become the children of God. Wherever we are and whatever we do, we should live for the glory of God. Then, God will bless us more.

3. Peace to people
The angel said that there will be peace on earth to men. The world has lost the real love, and peace in the history of humans after Adam and Eve committed the sin. Hatred, conflicts, tensions, and murders have filled the history. However, the King of peace, Jesus came for us, bringing about peace in the land. Jesus allowed us to have peace and restored the relationship between God and humans. (Eph. 2:14) We should bring about peace for our family, workplace, churches, and schools. Therefore, we should make the world wounded by the conflicts and tensions change into the world full of peace of Jesus.