The Race of Faith
(Heb. 12:1-3)

Looking back upon our days, everything has been done with the help of Jesus. We should wrap up this year by giving thanks to God and welcome the new year with joy. Facing the new year, we should have holy visions and dreams, marching forward with faith.

1. What we have to throw off
After believing in Jesus, we have to race of faith until we go to heaven. To complete the race of faith, we should take off the things hindering the race. Our thoughts shape our behaviors as we are the ones who can think. Therefore, we should get rid of wrong habits causing us to be obsessed with negative thoughts. We should get rid of old inner person who is filled with wounds and avarice. (Ep. 4:22) We are now new creatures in Jesus. We should be brave and patient enough to complete the race before us.

2. Racing with perseverance
Our life is like a marathon. Runners have to run 42.195km. We should run to the destination. The important thing in a marathon is to complete the race patiently. When a runner gives up running just before the finish line, the runner cannot win the medal. The bible asks us to take off the sins and run the race patiently. (Heb. 12:1) According to 1 Corinthian chapter 12, we know that the definition of the love is related to be patient for a long time. Therefore, we should train ourselves with patience day by day to finish our race.

3. Fixing our eyes on the Lord
The attitude we should have is to fix our eyes onto Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith. Jesus becomes the creator of our faith and the perfector of our faith. Therefore, we should fix our eyes onto Jesus. When we run the race of faith, we should make our goal clear and run the goal. We should realize what our goal of life is and what our missions are. And we should be devoted to the glory of God every day.