God May Be Successful Wherever You Go
(Jos. 1:5-9)

Today message was given to Joshua who had to march to conquer the Canaan. Just like Joshua held the message of God, we should conquer the blessed new year, 2022 with faith.

1. God who is with us
No one is against us when we are with God. God was with Joshua just like God had been with Moses. God said that there would be no one against Joshua as God would be with him. (Jos. 1:5) When God, who had been with Moses as the Almighty God, was with Joshua, Israelites were able to drive out the Canaanites, occupying the land. When we are with God, we can overcome any kinds of hardships, persecutions, and spiritual wars. People on whom we depend will be away from us. However, God will not be away from us, not abandoning us. God will help us to allow us to get the victory at the end.

2. God wants us to have strong and courageous faith
When Israelites marched toward Canaan, there were Canaanites who were tall and big with expertized fighting skills. God knew the Israelites would be terrified, so God asked them not to be afraid and fearful. God asked them to be brave and courageous three times. (Jos. 1:6-7, 9) God gives us power while the Satan gives us fear. Even the Christians have adversities in their life. However, we should know the Jesus had already gained the victory. Therefore, we should make our heart renewed, holding the cross of Jesus so that we can march bravely.

3. God promises the blessing of abundance
God promised that you may be successful wherever you go if you do not turn from it to the right or to the left. (Jos. 1:7) Beginning the new year, we should make our basic of life strong. To do this, we should live with the word of God. The life with the word of God will not be shaken whatever happens. We should be deeply rooted in the Word of God to bear the meaningful fruits thereby giving glory to God. Let us be blessed, successful, and healthy by keeping the word of God and put it into practice in this new year.